Golden Heart Center Non-denominational bible-based spiritual community
Golden Heart Center wants to reach the world, and we have programs dedicated to helping all people, no matter where you are in your spiritual journey. We welcome your participation in any or all of the exciting programs Golden Heart has to offer!

Super Kids Academy
Children have an incredible power to believe. When they believe in God, they receive His power into their life. The sooner your children establish their relationship with God, the easier it makes their lives and the stronger that connection becomes.
The Super Kids Academy is all about getting the SUPER into their lives. God is the SUPER as in SUPERNATURAL. In Super Kids Academy your children will learn about God and how much He loves them.
Join Pastor Ted from 11am-12pm the 3rd Saturday of every month!
*For more information, contact us!
Breaking Free
Are you feeling stuck? Do you find yourself repeating the same mistakes over and over? Are you struggling with addiction or other unhealthy habits? This program is designed to help you recognize and release patterns and beliefs which create blockages in your life.
You will be lovingly guided through a series of steps which will facilitate the break through you need, to have the life you were created to have!
*For more information, contact us!
Welcome Home
Inspired by the sacrifices of our military men and women, Golden Heart is in the process of creating and bringing to life a program that will help re-integrate returning veterans, help them overcome any emotional hurtles, and find their new purpose outside of the uniform. If you’re passion includes helping our hero’s, or you are one of these brave souls who is struggling to assimilate back into "civilian life," this program is for you!
*For more information, contact us!